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This is a blog of

Jung Soo Lee

Learning Bioinformatics

I have completed my Master's Degree in Genomics Data Analysis from Korea University College of Medicine. I enjoy challenges, have a passion for learning new technologies, and am dedicated to continuously developing my skills.

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Work Experience

After graduating with a Master of Science degree, I personally participated in an open-source project on GitHub, where I took the initiative to explore new programming languages and attempt the creation of genomic tools. Despite encountering some obstacles, I am certain that this experience has greatly contributed to my personal and professional growth.


Open Source Project

January 2023 - NOW

I have analyzed uterine sarcoma samples using comprehensive NGS platforms, including WES, RNA-Seq, and WGS. The various data analyses I have conducted are as follows:

Investigating the somatic mutation landscape
Detecting cancer driver genes
Analyzing copy number variations
Inferring transcription factor activity
Detecting recurrent gene fusions and structural variations


Cancer Genomics

November 2021 - August 2022

Korea University College of Medicine

I had the opportunity to participate in the analysis of ESCC samples using three transcriptomic platforms. Some of the analyses I've been involved in include:

Detecting doublets and multiplets
Correcting batch effects between scRNA-seq and snRNA-seq
Annotating cell types with DEGs and unsupervised clustering
Conducting pseudotime trajectory analysis
Decomposing spatial transcriptomics using single-cell/nucleus data


Single-cell/nucleus and Spatial Transcriptomics

November 2020 - October 2021

Korea University College of Medicine


Programming Language


My customized online watch: A customized online watch inspired by the Rolex watch.


interpack: DNA FASTA encoder for compressing raw sequences into searchable binary format (extract nth subsequence using random access without index file)


PortfolioWebsite: Built this website using Kobweb framework.

bamscope: A command line tool that employs samtools to extract reads from a BAM file. It then generates plots displaying stacked bases at a designated position on a chromosome, with each base represented in a distinct color. It is currently unmaintained.


Contact Me

© Jung Soo Lee 2022-current. All rights reserved.